F.I.R.E. Inspector Code Of EthicsThis Code of Ethics is intended to establish moral and professional obligations for the F.I.R.E. Certified Inspectors of the Fireplace Investigation, Research & Education Service. These obligations apply to all Certified Individuals who perform or provide, but are not limited too, the following services. The independent inspections of existing gas and/or solid fuel burning fireplaces/appliances and/or chimneys, ventilation systems, new construction inspection, resale inspection, performance inspection, repair specifications, consulting, litigation support or fire investigations. This Code of Ethics also applies to those who are F.I.R.E. Certified but act only in the capacity as a manager for a company. This Code of Ethics is not intended to create new civil cause of action. Nothing in this Code of Ethics shall be deemed to create, augment, diminish, or eliminate any substantive legal duty of the Inspectors or the non-disciplinary consequences of violating such a duty. In the event of any conflict between these Codes of Ethics and the substantive laws of your State, the substantive law shall take precedence. Each Certified Inspector agrees to maintain a high standard of professionalism, independence, integrity, and fairness in all actions while in the performance of an inspection and related activities. This agreement does not limit or discard the individual Inspectors opinion. However there should be justification for this opinion, and this opinion should not reflect any monitory or outside influence. ![]()